How to get a personal copy of BNF,
every six months completely free, sent to your address.

Step 1: Copy the following text

Mr David Price,

Department of Health,

Fax No: 01132 546342


Dear Mr Price

Re: British National Formulary (BNF)

I am told that you can kindly arrange to send me a personal copy of BNF every six months on request. I should be most grateful if you would arrange this for me as it is most helpful in my work. This could be sent either to my work address (above) or to my home address (given below)

Should you require it, my GMC number is     .

Yours sincerely


Work Address:

Home Address:

Step 2: Visit Free Online Fax Site.

Fax number should be 441132546342

(Explanation: The fax number is the international code plus the area code less first "0" plus the fax number. eg. To send fax to Burnham-on-Sea (01278) 760020 enter 44(UK international code)1278 (area code less "0")760020(fax number)=441278760020)

Paste the copied text, date and edit it giving your GMC number, Email and Postal Address.

Click [Fax it!]

If the fax is not delivered, use a fax machine to send the completed form. The fax number in this case is 01132 546342 .