London Mogok Yeiktha Purchase Campaign {short description of image}

  London Mogok Yeiktha
(2004 - 2013)

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Previous Sangha List FaceBook Page Mogok Way
DhammaDana Videos
(to be announced)

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Residence History of Mogok Kamatthana Cariya Sayadaws at the London Mogok Yeiktha

History of Resident Mogok Kamatthana Cariya
Sayadaws at the Yeiktha
Patrons Buddhist Aid Trustees

Past: {short description of image}(31-08-04 to 20-11-04)
Past:{short description of image}(09-12-04 to 28-05-05)
Past: {short description of image}(14-07-05 to 23-10-05)
Past: Sayadaw U Kit Sar Ya Na (05-12-05 to 17-10-06)
Past: {short description of image}(03-05-07 to 02-07-07)
Past: Aung San Sayadaw(29-06-07 to 09-08-07)
Past: Sayadaw U Tay Zeinda, Mogok Nayaka,(09-07 to 30-11-07)
Past: Htoo Gyi Sayadaw( 01-12-07 to 26-02-08)
Past: , Sayadaw U Kit Sar Ya Na (24-05-08 to 04-04-2013 when he left the original Sponsor Buddhist Aid Trust and the London Mogok Yeiktha.)

Dr U Myo Min

Dr U Myo Myint

Dr U Kyaw Kyaw

Dr U Maung Maung Lwin (Chairman),
Dr Daw Moe Sunm (Secretary)
Dr Daw Yi Yi Myaing(Treasurer)