Buddhist Homage and Affirmations

( In Burmese and Pali )

Rendered and translated by Harry Than Htut

Harry Than Htut , Canada

Paying Homage

Buddham pujemi Permit me please to pay homage to the Buddha.

Dahmmam pujemi Permit me please to pay homage to the Dhamma

Samgham pujemi Permit me please to pay homage to the Samgham.

Asking permission to pay Homage.

Okasa, Okasa, Okasa
(Say Okasa three times)

( Following are typical of all prayer specific only to the Burmese, and is always uttered in the Burmese language prior to the undertaking of the five precepts, which is in the Pali text.)

(In Burmese pronunciation)

1. Kayakan, Wezikan, Manawkan,

thaba dawtha khatheinthaw apyit dogo pyaukpa zaychin achoe ngha

2. Pa htama dootiya tatiya,

tachein, hnichein, thonchein myauk aung

Phaya Yadana, Taya Yadana, Thagan Yadana,

Yadana myat thone par dogo

ayo athay alay amyat let oak moe ywe shi hko puzaw

hpu hmyaw hman lyaw kadaw bar ei ashin Phaya.

3. Ei tho kadaw yathaw acho wa chaungt

4. Apair lay bar, Kat thone bar, Yapyit shipa, Yanthu myo ngapar, Weikpathi taya lay par,

Byat tana taya ngar bar do hma akha khat thein kin lut nyein thee hpyit ywe

5. Met taya, Pho taya, Neikban taya daw myat go yaba lo ei Ashin Phaya.


For the elimination of all offences committed in hatred or anger through my Deeds, Speeches or Thoughts,

I respectfully and humbly raise my hands….. once, twice, thrice to the gem of Buddha, to the gem of Dhamma, to the gem of Samgha in obeisance, adoration, and subdued pride.

For this meritorious act and will of obeisance,

May I be liberated and be freed from the woeful states, namely, the three epochs of affliction, the eight incongenial locations, the five enemies, the four misfortunes and the five losses,

And thereby attain Megga-phala and finally, Nibbana.

(B) Asking to receive and undertake the PRECEPTS

( In Pali)

Aham bante, tisaranena saha panca silam dhammam yacami

Anuggaham katva silam dehta me bhante

Dutiyampi Aham bante, tisaranena saha panca silam dhammam yacami

Anuggaham katava silam dahta me bhante

Tatiyampi Aham bante tisaranena saha panca silam dhammam yacami

Anuggaham katva silam dehta me bhante

Ama bante bar ei Ashin Phaya.

Oh Buddha, I humbly request through the three gems, that the five precepts on moral ethics be granted to me for training , practice and observance.

For the second time, Oh Buddha, I humbly request through the three gems that the five precepts on moral ethics be granted to me for training, practice and observance.

For the third time, Oh Buddha, I humbly request through the three gems that the five precepts on moral ethics be granted to me for training, practice and observance.


Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa.

I respectfully pay the highest homage to the ‘Arahant’, One who is truly worthy of respect amongst all human and sentient beings, the ‘Sammasam Buddha’, One who has attained enlightenment by knowing one’s own true nature.( Say this three times).


Buddham saranam gacchami

Dhammam saranam gacchami

Samgaham saranam gacchami

Dutiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami

Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami

Dutiyampi Samgham saranam gacchami

Tatiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami

Tatiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami

Tatiyampi Samgham saranam gacchami

I respect and take refuge in the Buddha

I respect and take refuge in the Dhamma

I respect and take refuge in the Samgha

For the Second time : I respect and take refuge in the Buddha

For the Second time : I respect and take refuge in the Dhamma

For the Second time : I respect and take refuge in the Samgha

For the Third time : I respect and take refuge in the Buddha

For the Third time: I respect and take refuge in the Dhamma

For Third time: I respect and take refuge in the Samgha.


1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

I undertake the rule of training to refrain from killing and destroying life.

2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

I undertake the rule of training to refrain from taking What is not given

3. Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

I undertake the rule of training to refrain from illicit Sexual realtionships

4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samdiyampi

I undertake the rule of training to refrain from false speech.

5. Sura-meraya-majjha-pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

I undertake the rule of training to refrain from Intoxicants causing heedlessness.


Iti pi so bhagava: The One who knows the truth and is endowed with the nine virtues.

Araham: One who had eradicated defile- ments and therefore worthy of respect

Samma Sambuddho: One who is supremely enlightened.

Vijja-Carana Sampanno: Perfect in both knowledge and conduct.

Sugato: One who speaks the truth.

Lokavidu: One who understands the the world perfectly.

Annuttaro purisa damma sarathi: One who is the teacher and trainer in Dhamma for all creatures.

Sattha deva manussanam: Master of gods and humans.

Buddho: Knower of the Truth.

Bhagava: One who posses the Supreme Glory.


Savakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo: The Dhama Law is well proclaimed by the Exalted One.

Sanditthiko: Can be realized here and now.

Akaliko: It yields result any time.

Ehipassiko: It challenges critics to come ‘see’ the truth.

Opaneyyiko: To be experienced by oneself

Paccanatam veditabbo vinnuhi: Realizable by the wise


1. Suppati panno bagavato savaka samgho: Community of virtuous society of Sanghas, who practices and contemplates the truth

2. Ujuppatipannno bagavato savaka samgho: practices and contemplates the truth with integrity

3. Nayappatipanno baghavato savaka samgho: arduously practices to attain liberation in Nibbana

4. Samisippatipanno baghavato savaka samgho: practice worthy of respect
Yadidam cattari purisa yugani attha purisa puggala esa bagahavato savaka sangho: followers of the Buddha; posses the following characters: four qualities and eight characteristics of manhood; maintain morality, samadhi and wisdom and therefore suitable to receive alms and donations.

5. Ahuneyyo, 6. Pahuneyyo: as visiting sangha, maintain morality, samadhi and wisdom, and therefore suitable to receive alms and donations.

7. Dakhi neyyo: because of virtuous life they lead, are suitable to receive meritorious donations.

8. Anjali karaniyo: worthy of respect by all beings

9. Anuttaram puna khettam lokasa: they are the fertile grounds for furthering the incomparable meritorious deeds.


I share this deed of good merits with my parents, my mother, and my father, to whom I owe my immeasurable gratitude , the extent to which are much more and many times higher than the heights of mount Meru.

I share this deed of good merit with Angels who looks after my impersonality.

I share this deed of good merits with friends, relatives, teachers, grand parents, ancestors and ‘Yamayaza’ the Spirit of Death, all sentient beings, all living creatures in water, earth and in the sky, as well as all living beings in the thirty one realms of cosmic abode.

May all share and receive this deed of good merit.

As the earth bears witness to this my act of kindness, may you all share and receive as much as I do, this meritorious deed .

Amhya…….Amhya ……..Amhya (Share, share, share)

Sadhu …… Sadhu ….. Sadhu (Well-done, well-done, well-done)

To realize that Buddhism is now flourishing in the West, and the largest Burmese community in Ontario has not done much to enable their children to practice and gain the hands on experience and knowledge of this precious way of life by the Lord Buddha is daunting.

The only Burmese Buddhist Monastery in Ontario is staffed by monks who speaks very little or no English language at all. Ironically, older Burmese already understands and practice Buddhism, but have trouble or problem relating them in English to children who grew up or are born in Canada.

It is with this desire to enable the generation of young people as well as Canadians and anyone interested in Buddhism that I write, hoping the subject in English will be of benefit to all.

Approaching the way.

Unlike other monotheist religions, Buddhists do not entertain the notion of a God , a Divine or central authority as an established entity. There are no commandments handed down by heaven that one must compulsively follow in order to remain faithful. Buddhist teaching stresses the cultivation of discernment more than the cultivation of blind will-power.