Minadinna Sutta
Discourse concerning the householder Minadinna

Silatthiti Vagga, Magga Samyutta
Mahavagga Samyutta, Samyutta Nikaya, Suttanta Pitaka

SOURCE: "Three Groups of Related Discourses from
Translated by Professor U Ko Lay, Yangon
Edited by the Editorial Committee, DFPPS (Myanmar Tipitaka Association), 1998
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        396. The same introduction. At that time the house holder Manadinna was seized with illness; he was sick, in pain and gravely ill. Then the householder Manadinna said to a certain man, "Come, O man ... p ... Venerable Sir, I am not feeling well and I am not at ease. In me severe pain is increasing, it is not decreasing. It appears to me that my pain is increasing and not decreasing. Venerable Sir, although I am affected by such suffering. I keep my mind steadfastly on the body, with diligence, comprehension and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and distress in the five khandhas ... p... on Sensation ... p ... on Mind on Mind-Objects, with diligence comprehension and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and distress in the five khandhas. Venerable Sir, of the five lower fetters which the Bhagava has expounded as giving rise to rebirth which give rise to rebirth in sensuous planes, I cannot detect any in me which I have not abandoned". "Householder, you have been very fortunate; you have gained much. Householder, what you have stated is the attainment of Anagamiphala".

End of the Manadinna Sutta.

the tenth in this Vagga.


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Alphabetical Index

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