10. Nanatitthiyasavaka Sutta
Discourse to Followers of Various Other Faiths

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(i) Nanatitthiya Vagga

I. Devaputta Samyutta
(Group of Related Discourses to Various named Devas)

(Division of Discourses with Verses)

(Collection of Groups of Related Discourses)

       111. Thus have I heard:

       At one time the Bhagava was residing near Rajagaha at the Veluvana Grove where black squirrels were fed. During that time, soon after the middle watch of the night, the devas Asama, Sahali, Nika, Akotaka, Vegabbhari, Manavagamiya, who were followers of the teachers of many and various other faiths1 and who were of extremely attractive appearance, approached the Bhagava, illuminating the entire Veluvana Grove. Having made obeisance to the Bhagava, uttered this verse in the presence of the Bhagava, with reference to Purana Kassapa:

        "In this world (Purana) Kassapa does not view mutilation, killing, injuring or depriving other of properties either as evil or good done by oneself.

        He (thus) sets forth a refuge (for people)2. Indeed, our Teacher is worthy of honour."

        'Then, the deva Sahali uttered this verse in the presence of the Bhagava with reference to Makkhali Gosala: -

        "Through self-mortification and abhorence (of evil), he (Makkhali) has his mind well under control. Keeping away from controversy with people, he refrains from untruth and is always truthful. In fact, he never commits such acts of evil."

        Then the deva Nika, uttered this verse in the presence of the bhagava with reference to Nigantha Nataputta:

       "The bhikkhu (Nataputta) abhors evil and is endowed with mature wisdom. He is disciplined in four degrees of self-restraint3. He reveals what is seen or heard. Indeed, he is past wrong-doing."

       Then the deva Akotaka, uttered this verse in the presence of Bhagava with reference to the various teachers of other faiths:

       "Pakudha Kaccayana, Nigantha (Nataputta), Makkhali (Gosala), and Purana(Kassapa)-all of these teachers of various sects have attained the height of holiness.
       Indeed, they all are not far from the virtuous (i.e., they are not different from the virtuous)."
       Then the deva Vegabbhari retorted against the deva Akotaka, by the following stanza:
       "Just by going about together with the lion the despicable dark jackal cannot in the least be the equal of the lion.
       Those teachers of various sects practise nudity, speak falsehood and follow dubious practices.
       No resemblance is there between them and the virtuous!"
       Then the wicked Mara possessed Vegabbhari and uttered this verse in the presence of the Bhagava:
       "Those teachers strive earnestly in practising self-mortification through abhorence (of evil). They safeguard themselves against defilements4. They are enamoured of sensual objects such as attractive visual objects and they long for the delights of deva world (which they believe can be obtained by such abstinences here and now). Indeed they admonished others to endeavour to reach a better future existence."
       Then the Bhagava knew that it was the wicked Mara who was actually saying that and replied to him in the following verse:

        "Whatever attractive visual objects there are in this world or in the celestial world, and whatever brilliantly shining objects there are in the sky, all those objects praised by you, Namuci, are in fact like fish-bait cast (into water) for the killing of fish."

        Then, the deva Manavagamiya uttered this verse with reference to the Bhagava.

        "Vipula is said to be the foremost among the mountains that surround Rajagaha; the White Mountain (Kelasa), is the foremost among the mountains of the Himalayas; the Sun is the foremost among all planets that roam the sky.

       "Among all expanses of water the ocean stands foremost; among all the planets of the zodiac the Moon stands foremost.
       And among all living beings in all the worlds including the celestial world, the Buddha is called supreme."

End of the Nanatitthiyasavaka Sutta,

the tenth In this vagga.

End of the Nanatitthiya Vagga,

the third in this samyutta.

End of the Devata Samyutta.

        1. Followers of the teachers of many and various other faiths: Except for the deva Manavagamiya, the devas who come and utter praises for the teachers of other faiths were in their former births followers of the various great teachers who declared themselves as Buddhas. In spite of being followers of Purana Kassapa etc., these devas had been believers in kamma and performers of good deeds, as a result of which they were reborn in the deva world. In their ignorance of the truth, they believe that they owe their fortunate destination in the deva world to their confidence in those religious teachers.

       2. A refuge (for people): what is implied here is that such a view sets people's minds at ease.

       3. Four degrees of self-restraint: A nigantha abstains from using any cold water. He abstains from all evil; he shakes off all evil, and by utmost abstinence he attains perfection.

       4. Against defilement: In the Pali Text, palayanpavivekan, lit., safeguarding seclusion (from defilements).


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